lama dah x menulis kat blog nih..... well apa yg nak dikongsi kat cni is my xperience masa hantar Haffiey ke Hospital due to vomitting problem yang dah berkali2 started from 6.30pm hinggalah ke 11.00 pm.... sampai naik lembik.... ok, well i bkn nak citer bout haffiey but bout this guy....... hehehe.... surprise..... (please eh notg to do wt d bling... bling feeling...)
ok wat bout this guy? act... mlm tu walaupun Haffiey agak lemah but still ader hati nak melasak... hehehe cam x sakit je. Sudahnya drip n amik darah...... Alhamdulillah endingnya ble balik coz blood result dia ok.
Rite back to this guy.... i think he is middle 30th.... plummed... but he didnt look like he was sick... i tot.... hmmm maybe tgh tunggu family dia kot..... n at another corner there was a bangladeshi wt lots of blood stain.... n wounds n he look messy.... he was looking for a pharmacy counter n i showed him where to put his prescription.....i do pitty him... actually at d same time d plummed guy was also stand up n looking at d bangladeshi....
so korang mesti nak tau pe connection that plummed guy n bangladeshi n citer yg i nak citer nih kan..... sebenarnya that bangladeshi tu eksiden..... jgn tuduh that guy... he is innocent.... bukan dia yg langgar tau.... dia jumpa that bangladeshi terbaring kat jalan br pas kene langgar ngan indian mane yg dok merempit mlm tu....
so tgkkan keadaan bangladeshi tu yg x berdaya upaya... this malay guy amik dia masuk dlm kete n hantar ke hospital...... im so touched...... terharu coz this kind hearted guy menolong x pilih bulu n bersyukur rupe2nya masih ade manusia yg punya ihsan... walaupun yg di tolong bkn ader pertalian darah ngan dia.... salute to him.... n aku berdoa mudah2an dia di panjangkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki..... amin

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