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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

inspiration of the day....

leya's word: InsyaAllah... disebalik airmata ada ketawa bahagia....  :).

Eat red and green chilies and avoid heart attacks

Ten Reasons why we should eat chilly. 

1. Strengthens the heart, even stops heart attacks in progress!
2. Increases blood flow and cleans arterial wall plaque while rebuilding red blood cells
3. Aids digestion, even helps eliminate ulcers (surprise!)
4. Stimulates the liver and helps heal the gall bladder
5. Kills prostate cancer cells and shrinks tumors
6. Anti inflammatory eases arthritis
7. Shrinks hemorrhoids
8. Topical application on open wounds stops bleeding
9. Emulsifies triglycerides
10. Anti fungal, promotes waste elimination

How to stop a heart attack fast with cayenne pepper(chilly)by Keith M. Henry, N.D, November 30, 2010 
Did you know that you can actually stop a heart attack in its tracts with the simple but amazing and awesome power of cayenne pepper?  It's true. Cayenne pepper can actually stop a heart attack in about 60 seconds flat!

Famed healers such as Dr.John Christopher, N.D., and Dr. Richard Schulze, N.D., sang the praises of Cayenne pepper. Dr. John Christopher "In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in--if they are still breathing--I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around)"
 It should be noted that these men, and many other healers like them, were speaking from personal experience and not speculation when referring to this powerful plant.
So what are the best practices in using Cayenne pepper based upon the voice and experiences of those that have actually used it?
First the Cayenne pepper must be at least 90,000 heat units or 90,000 (H.U.) to be able to stop a heart attack. If the cayenne is at least 90,000 H.U. and the person is still conscious, the recommendation is to mix one teaspoon of cayenne powder in a glass of warm water (this is essentially a "cayenne tea"), and give it to the person to drink.
If the person is unconscious then the recommendation is to use a cayenne tincture or extract, again of at least 90,000 H.U., and put a couple of full droppers underneath their tongue full strength. As noted above by Dr. Christopher, in 35 years of practice he never lost even one heart attack case if the person was still breathing when he arrived, and he attributed this to the prudent use of the cayenne pepper.
Other Uses Of Cayenne
One of the most profitable uses of cayenne pepper is as a catalyst in other herbal combinations. As a general rule it should be added to almost all herbal combinations with the exception of those classified as nervines (combinations made specifically for nerve issues). Because it has a stimulating effect upon the body, it speeds the circulation thereby causing it to enhance digestion as well as absorption. Therefore it can enhance or increase the effectiveness of practically any herbal formula.

In fact it is often used this way in formulas for arthritis, various female complaints, infections, heart or circulatory issues, laxatives, diuretics, ulcers, thyroid issues etc.

Cayenne's Nutritional Profile

Cayenne has at least 26 different nutrients! It contains minerals such as Zinc, Selenium, Calcium, and Magnesium. It also contains vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Additionally it boasts both "crude fiber" and "dietary fiber", as well as carbohydrates.
Cayenne certainly appears to be God's "Nitro-Glycerin" when it comes to heart attacks and one would be unwise to leave home without it.
Sources: Nutritional Herbology, Mark Pedersen; Revised and Expanded Edition; 1998
Dr Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
 Dr. Schulze is one of the foremost authorities in the world on natural healing and herbal medicine. He holds a Doctorate in Herbology from the School of Natural Healing and a Doctorate in Natural Medicine. Dr. Schulze also holds a degree in Herbal Pharmacy and degrees in Iridology. He is certified in eight different styles of "body therapy" and has three black belts in the martial arts. Dr. Schulze has written numerous research papers on the topics of Botanical Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology and the making of herbal preparations.

Leya's word: for info sharing....  :).

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

5 kuih popular Terengganu di masa bulan Ramadan

Bulan Ramadhan selalu dialu-alukan bagi umat Islam. Bukan sahaja ia adalah masa untuk menunaikan ibadat puasa tetapi memberi kesempatan  meraih pendapatan lebih di pasar Ramadhan (bagi yang akak abang yang terer memasak). Bulan Ramadhan juga masa untuk menikmati pelbagai juadah termasuk kuih muih yg jarang kita dapat masa bulan x pose... so memandangkan masa aku baca artikel ni aku teringat kepada kuih akok so aku pon kopipes untuk jadi santapan mata sumer sblm mengadap yg originalnya masa buka nanti.... hehehe.....

so... ladies and gents, presenting.......
 5 jenis kuih Terengganu digemari ramai yang boleh dijumpai pada bulan Ramadhan.

No. 1 - Akok, manis dan lemak, sesuap, maka kirim salamlah pada diet anda. Nasib baik orang-orang Pantai Timur ni makan lauk singgang yang dikatakan boleh merampingkan badan. jadi dapatlah mengimbangkan kelemakkan kuih akok. Akok terbaik dibancuh daripada santan perah, telur merah, tepung, gula nipah dan pati pandan. Dipukl menjadi bancuhan kaler hijau muda dan dibakar atas bara api daripada sabut kelapa. Mesti makan panas-panas!

No. 2- Lompat Tikang - kuih yang amat cantik, berlapis hijau, putih dan bermahkota pulut kaler pink. tetapi perlu dinikmati dengan moderasi. sum-sum hijau dibawah dibuat daripada tepung beras dan pandan, diatasnya santan masin dan gula nipah. Rasanya lemak-manis dengan kepahitan yang memberi kuih ini dimensi yang unik... kata pengarang asal (aku pon x pernah rasa lg...hehe)

 No. 3 - Segumpal - Dipantai Barat ini lebih dikenali sebagai badak berendam. ceritanya kuih ini mendapat namanya kerana setiap satu "digumpal" dengan tangan menghasilkan kuih yang bulat dan comel. ia mempunyai tekstur melekit, luarnya adalah sagu dan dalamnya kacang hijau yg telah dihancurkan. sebelum di jual ia akan berendam di dalam mandian santan lemak-manis dengan kepedasan rasa halba dan halia...hmm... mungkinke aku dah pernah makan? yang pastinya bukan aku le yg buat kan... mmg sah bukan badak berendam maybe badak yang terendam kot............. hahaha...

No. 4 - Mek Comey - Di Kelantan kuih ini dikenali sbg Cek Mek Molek. Sayangnya namanya tidak serupa rupa. Lebih senang terserempak bertanduk daripada terjumpa Mek Comey yang betul-betul comel.. kata penulis asal ye... rupa parasnya sederhana, lembut dan berwarna coklat keemasan diperbuat daripada adunan ubi kayu. gigit Mek Comey ini dan cairan gula akan meleleh keluar. mcm kuih keria yg diterbalikkan....

No. 5 - Lok Lit - ini memang rekaan Terengganu. Rupanya seiras Buah Gomok dan memang susah dijumpai wpun di Bulan Ramadhan. Ia juga bentuk bulat dibuat daripada kelapa parut, cairan gula nipah dan pulut yg ditumbuk halus. ini dibulatkan menjadi lebih kurang bentuk bola ping pong. cara terbaik untuk membuat kuih ini adalah dengan lesung kayu.

 not sure kalo ni gambar sebenar... pe pon sume ni ihsan abang long google..... ehehehe....

leya says: though m not a big fan but..... merasa makan kuih akok masa vacation lepas mmg best. tp kena makan panas2.. kalo tak terasa kehanyirannya (esp. pd org yg xtahan hanyir cam aku nih)... huhu.... yang lain-lain spt dlm senarai tu will try sum other day..... :P

Wednesday, August 01, 2012


A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors ignited and engulfed him. He jumped from his truck, screaming. His neighbour came out of her house with a dozen eggs and a bowl yelling:  "bring me some more eggs!" She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks. The neighbour woman helped her to apply the whites onto the young man's face.
When the ambulance arrived and the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge. They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face." By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin.

A  Healing Miracle for Burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns is being included in teaching beginner fireman. First Aid consists of first spraying cold water on  the affected area until the heat is reduced which stops the  continued burning of all layers of the skin. Then, spread the egg whites onto the affected area.

 One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite  of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg  whites from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the  solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.

She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day  there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was  left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

leya says: just an info sharing... but worth trying..... :).

aku kopipez.... utk jd iktibar bersama.... (peace no war)

p/s:  mudah2an Allah pelihara diri dan hati dari sifat mazmumah dan isikan dengan sifat mahmudah

tazkirah hati

inspiration of the day.... sharing is caring... :)

How To Identify & Treat Different Types of Diaper Rash

The following information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Who knew the term ‘diaper rash’ could mean so many different things? All rashes do have one thing in common: they make your baby miserable, and understandably so! Here’s a look at the most common diaper rashes and the best ways to treat them, as shared by Circle of Moms members.
1. Common Diaper Rash
The most common diaper rash is basic skin irritation. It comes from sitting too long in wet or soiled diapers, from the friction of diaper against skin, or when there is a change in acidity of bowel movements, especially in 6-18 month old kids who are trying new foods. Stool and urine contain bacteria that often irritate skin, even when diapers are changed frequently.
Diaper rash is more common and happens more frequently when using disposable diapers, but cloth diapered children are also known to get diaper rash on occasion. According to WebMD, almost every baby will experience this at least once during the diapering years. (WebMD also includes a picture of diaper rash to help you identify it.)
In addition to diaper friction, other physical changes in your baby's body can cause diaper rash. Circle of Moms member Amanda S. found that teething can be a trigger: "My youngest gets a rash every time he gets new teeth, about a week before the tooth breaks through."
How To Treat It
There are many products on the market made specifically to treat diaper rash caused by friction or soiled diapers. The important thing is to create a barrier. As Sherri E. says: "You might want to use a good balm to add a layer of protection between baby and diaper." Zinc oxide is the most popular ingredient in barrier creams. (For a run-down of the best mom-recommended diaper creams, see: The Best Diaper Rash Creams & Ointments.)
Moms also recommend keeping the rash area as dry and clean as possible, even airing it out with a little diaper-free time each day. A few moms suggest about 30 minutes of "bare bum" time every day to thoroughly dry the area.

2. Yeast Infection

Fungal or yeast infections can occur in baby's diaper area, and are not always easy to get rid of. Yeast infections (also called candida) typically have a "bright, beefy red appearance" and often occur after taking antibiotics according to WebMD.
Shelby K. points out that "Yeast thrives on dark moist areas" and that much like a vaginal yeast infection, you have to continue to treat diaper rashes caused by yeast even after the symptoms go away. 

Topical Treatments

Several moms who have been through it recommend a trip to the pediatrician, to get an accurate diagnosis of yeast infection and also for the best topical treatment - a prescription cream such as Nystatin. There are also over the counter anti-fungal treatments discussed in the Circle of Moms communities, such as clotrimazole(found in Lotrimin and other athlete's foot creams). Anne M. uses clotrimazole for her son's infection: "My doc recommended it mixed with a zinc oxide or petroleum jelly diaper cream 2-3 times a day. We're in the middle of that regimen now, and it seems to be doing the job."
Alexandria has used Nystatin to effectively treat the skin irritation caused by a yeast infection on her baby's bottom, but also realizes that there is more to it: "I find that most people are adverse to the idea of applying such a product, and let's face it, that's only clearing up the symptoms of an underlying overgrowth of yeast - the rash will most likely reoccur if you don't treat the cause."


Treating The Source

When your baby has a yeast infection, you may find that you have to treat the inside the body as well the rash that appears on the skin. A member named Alexandria has found that cutting out artificial sweeteners and sugar, while adding plain yogurt or probiotics to her baby's diet for a couple weeks helps clear up candida from the inside out.
Char agrees, adding that probiotics like Acidophilus can be found at a store like Nature's Path, and that you can ask them the appropriate dosage for your child. As for yogurt, she's had success using it topically as well as feeding it to baby: "Use it like you would a cream," she explains.
Finally, Jerri H. points out that a yeast infection is easily spread from mom to baby, "even with good hand washing," and suggests using a vaginal yeast infection treatment on yourself even if you're not experiencing any symptoms: "I started using medicine on me just in case, and also constantly washed my hands, and it cleared up with my son."

3. Allergies

Babies can be allergic to almost anything that comes into contact with their delicate diaper area skin. It could be laundry detergent, soaps, wipes, lotion, or even the diapers themselves. Ashley B. was able to tell that her son was allergic to a particular brand of diapersbecause "his skin was red everywhere the diaper contacted his skin as opposed to the normal diaper rash." 
If you are having trouble with a persistent rash, consider any recent brand changes you might have made in the products that touch your baby. If diapers seem to be the culprit, moms advise going straight to a diaper made for sensitive skin, such as Huggies Pure & Natural, or various organic brands. Angie N. went through this with her son and settled on Seventh Generation: "We tried everything from the cheap brands to the expensive ones and finally someone suggested Seventh Generation Organic Diapers. I rolled my eyes at it at first, but tried them and have used them for the past year or so. My local grocery store sells them but they are in the 'organic' aisle by the pharmacy. They really aren't anymore expensive than Pampers or Huggies. I love them."
Katherine M. is a big proponent of cloth diapers, which contain no chemicals or irritants: "If you're willing to put in a little extra work, almost no babies have reactions with cloth diapers." 

Sometimes diaper rash appears in more than just the diaper area, and sometimes it is caused by skin conditions such as seborrhea or eczema. It's best to have your pediatrician or dermatologist confirm these types of conditions before attempting to treat them yourself. 
About 20% of babies have eczema, which looks like "red, dry, itchy patches" and can occur anywhere on the body. Michelle S. found that eczema can run in the family: "I have eczema and my son does too, but his breakouts are usually caused by a dairy allergy."
Seborrhea is another skin condition that is fairly common in infants. WebMD describes it as an "oily, yellow-colored rash that may also be seen... on the face, head, and neck.” Seborrhea can also cause cradle cap.
Micah S. successfully manages her 11-week-old son's seborrhea with basic good hygiene: "We wash... a few times a day with warm water and put hypoallergenic lotion on at night to help with any scaling." Another member, Desarie H., finds that her baby's seborrhea "gets going" when she's too hot or when her clothing irritates her skin, but that it goes away with the application of hydrocortizone 0.5 every other day. And she shares her doctor's reassuring words, that most babies eventually grow out of these types of skin conditions.

to have better understanding, get full articles @ http://www.circleofmoms.com