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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

me and morning sickness....

hehehe..... not sure should i still say it as a morning sickness or the whole day sickness.... hmmmm..............

BB is in 16th weeks++ now.... alhamdulillah.. TQ Allah for the blessing.

but still morning sickness is bothering mommy.... huh? nope... mommy is definitely not complaining dear.... just that mommy is tired. huhu.... the problem with the sickness is not only morning lah BB. it is more to the whole day sickness..... if mommy is a fulltime homewifey ... shouldnt bother me at all... hahaha... yela tu kan BB.

now... the sickness is on the nite time..... but as babah's say..... at least BB still willing to eat.....

Neway... due to certain circumstances... mommy was not in tip top condition. now being monitored once in two weeks by the gynae.  sigh....... penat tu BB. not yet MGTT... adoilah......

BB.... no matter how bad the condition even the damage is worst... we are damn strong. no matter how bad the situation is we are survivor. we have raised our heart and soul to HIM... lets Allah deal with it. InsyaAllah.... Allah will definitely answer our prayers..... just be calm and stay calm.... insyaAllah redha Allah is with us.... n the blessing is all along the journey....

please be fine BB.... mommy and babah's prayers is with u .... my love..........

leya say: "wahai Tuhanku, kurniakan dari sisiMu zuriat keturunan yang baik. Jadikanlah daku orang yang mendirikan solat dan begitu juga zuriat keturunanku.... wahai Tuhan kami perkenankanlah doa kami....."

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